Working with Excel Sheets

Insert Sheet in Excel WorkBook

  • Click on Insert button from cells group of Home ribbon then a dropdown list will appears and choose Insert Sheet option.
  • The new Sheet will appear at the left of the active sheet.

  • OR

    Click on Insert work sheet button from right of sheet tab to inserting new sheet just right of the last sheet.

Delete Work Sheet

  • Click on Delete button from cells group of Home ribbon and choose Delete Sheet option.
  • The active sheet will delete.
  • The deleted can’t be recall by undo command.

Renaming Work sheets

  • Right‐click the sheet tab for the sheet you need to rename and choose rename.
  • The sheet tab allow for typing new name then type a name for example - “Student List”.
  • Notice the other options that are available–You can also insert, delete, copy, and select all sheets.

Moving or Coping Sheet

  • Click on Format button from home Ribbon.
  • Click on Move or Copy sheet, then Move or copy dialog box will display.
  • Select the work book to move into.
  • Select the sheet to insert the copied sheet into its left.
  • Select check box of create a copy for coping.